Solomon Kane

Ghostly goings-on
Do you hear that? It’s the sound of us rushing past yet another stretch goal! Yes, the $1,030k goal is history, and the extra tiles and the first poltergeist are safely added to every core game. You’ll notice that I said “the first poltergeist”. More of them to come in due course.   Our next...
What’s that? You’ve just gone and unlocked the huge Kane’s Arsenal box to store all your stretch goal goodness in. Brilliant work! Now you’ll just have to show the game in pride of place on your shelves!   As the last 48-hour rush begins we’re very happy to welcome all our new backers. Even though...
The $960k stretch goal didn’t last long! Well done! Now that’s behind you, every copy of the core game will come with the Abbot miniature to lead his flock against the ghostly foe on the Haunted Mountain. Bless you all!   You will have probably also noticed that we’re also getting very close to the...
Solomon Kane Latest Gameplay Video!
Young Jack Hollinster is in need of assistance, but Solomon Kane is in the hunt for the Fishhawk, Jonas Hardraker himself! Watch Az, Babis, and Dale take on some Chapters from The Blue Flame of Vengeance core box Adventure below. Please keep in mind that all the components and rules used in this video are not...
Lern yerself summat clever
We dabbled with e-learning during our last Kickstarter campaign, and it proved to be a popular alternative. So, we’ve gone back to try our hands at it again, teaching you the rules in an interactive way that you may find easier to follow than reading the rulebook. As we are providing the game in two...
Another one bites the dust!
That’s the $930k stretch goal crushed under your collective boot heels. Well done to everyone, and welcome to all our new backers!   This stretch goal is the start of a new Adventure called The Haunted Mountain. This sees Solomon Kane returning to the Black Forest in southern Germany, where he had the Rattle of Bones Adventure (from...
Castle of the Devil
With the campaign entering the final few days, we just have time to unveil the last of the black boxes on our Virtuous bundle: The Castle of the Devil. This is one of our smaller Adventures at two Acts. It is based on a fragment from Robert E. Howard that sets up the situation, and not much more....
Sweet Dreams
And another stretch goal bites the dust! This time it is the last of the extra Shadows (bringing the total to a worrying 6), and the Nightmare cards (and tokens) that use them. These are now included in every core box you pledge for.   At a glance, Nightmare cards look just like normal Darkness...
What lurks in the forest?
The secrets of the wolves? Now they are yours. You’ve blitzed past many stretch goals, so all the elements of the Beasts of Bordeaux Adventure are safely secured! Every core box will now include this complete Adventure to bring the total number of Acts in a core pledge to 11, and 12 if you snagged an Early...
Stand and Fight!
Leo couldn’t resist teasing this a little yesterday in his Life, but all of you who are familiar with Robert E Howard’s original stories will know this was coming. Today we unveil the last of our big box add-ons: Red Shadows. This is perhaps Solomon Kane’s finest hour. It is an epic chase across Europe...
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